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Butterfly Poem Photograph by Aimee L Maher ALM GALLERY

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Comments (26)

Alexandra Jordankova

Alexandra Jordankova

Congratulations! voted

Marianne Campolongo

Marianne Campolongo

Congrats on your sale! v

Bedros Awak

Bedros Awak

Congrats Aimee on you sale!! Tweet!

Maxx Phoenixx

Maxx Phoenixx

I really love these words- reminds of me of those that are ''gone-to-soon'' Thanks

Amber Nissen

Amber Nissen

Congratulations on your sale!

David and Carol Kelly

David and Carol Kelly


Charlie and Norma Brock

Charlie and Norma Brock

Back to enjoy this wonderful sentiment again!

Barbara St Jean

Barbara St Jean

Love this great saying and beautiful art!! I'm pinning it to my board :-)) F/V too

Charlie and Norma Brock

Charlie and Norma Brock

Just saw that you had dedicated this to my sister earlier this week, and I found it without knowing that! Obviously it was intended for me to find it! Thanks Aimee!!!

Charlie and Norma Brock

Charlie and Norma Brock

I lost my sister this week, and this really speaks to me. Thanks for sharing a lovely image and a powerful message!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

very nice! v

Ausra Paulauskaite

Ausra Paulauskaite

Congrats on your sale!

Amnon Mintz

Amnon Mintz

Hey Aimee, check this link, I made a Haiku animated gif that expresses a similar idea…. I guess grate minds think alike. http://asthecrowfliesstraighttalk.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/butterfly/

Joseph Baril

Joseph Baril

Awesome, very touching. This would look great as an acrylic, or metal print.

Athala Carole Bruckner

Athala Carole Bruckner

Congrats on your sale Aimee..v

Garnett  Jaeger

Garnett Jaeger

Congratulations Aimee fav

Bedros Awak

Bedros Awak

Congrats Aimee, for your fist sale, whish you good luck with more sales soon.



Aimee, congratulations on your sale. Hope this will lead to many more. John Telfer

Priya Ghose

Priya Ghose

Lovely....congrats on your sale, Aimee!!!

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Butterfly Poem by Aimee L Maher ALM GALLERY
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